Communication inside the workplace can significantly impact the success of your organisation. How people build relationships has a massive influence on how happy, effective and productive they are!
Business Coaches Sydney helps different companies of all sizes across Sydney utilising the power of DISC to improve the quality of their workplace. DISC is the worlds’ most popular and validated behavioral assessment tool which countless companies worldwide have embraced for more than 40 years now and continues to deliver remarkable results to many organizations these days.
DISC profiling is an easy-to-implement tool that provides immediate benefits, including more effective managers and leaders, more cohesive teams, improved sales and customer service, enhanced communication and reduced conflict…and much more!
DISC profiling approach, unlike other models in the market who look to complicate the subject, are much easier to understand and implement.
Basically, the DISC model is designed to help employees know and understand themselves on a deeper level, and how the nuances of their behaviour and communication style can impact other people. It can also help them explore what makes other people tick, and then based on this knowledge, show them how to achieve significantly better results by becoming more flexible and adaptable in their approach to others.
Simply put our “DISC-based” training courses can unlock the hidden potentials of your team which they may not even know they have in the first place.
Why Use DISC Profiling?
With DISC profiling, you will not only gain deeper understanding of how you are perceived by others, but it also gives you a language to discuss your behaviour, communication, style of working and reactions to other people as well. It is the ultimate ‘mirror on the wall’ that explains what everyone else can see: the surface level of who you are – your behaviour.
DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance) is a complex model made simple by years of research and practice. It identifies behavioural styles that can open your eyes to improving your interactions with others.
Moreover, DISC profiling is used by an estimated 75% of the Fortune 500 because of what it delivers. It continues to be the most popular tool of choice for professional development as well as recruitment and selection.
Considering DISC “Personality” Profiling for your Organisation?
If you are planning to invest in DISC profiling, you should consider our tailored assessment solutions that include DISC that we have available. Our DISC Personality Assessment can help determine job fit for candidates, provide tips and tricks for team leaders and managers on their teams, and can also serve as a great model for personal development in the area of sales, service, communication, and team building – among others.
Using DISC profiling to test candidates and employees is something that most of the top-notch organisations throughout Australia, New Zealand and the world participate in and we can help you implement an assessment based talent management strategy, regardless of the size and nature of your business.
DISC Profile Testing in Australia and New Zealand
Business Coaches Sydney works with Australia’s leading provider of DISC profiling tools, we and they have worked with many Organisational Development professionals to help them access the right tools to reach their organisational goals.
The Success Insights Suite is a powerful set of tools for selecting, developing and managing people to maximise their performance.
What is DISC Theory?
William Moulton Marston developed the theory behind the DISC profile. It was first used to categorise behaviour and emotions. Years later, the theory was shaped into the assessment that is used today.
Simply stated, DISC profiling measures how we behave and communicate. One of the most powerful things about DISC profiling is the fact that people identify with the report almost immediately! People instantly recognise themselves in the profile. The real value comes from using this information to understand how to adapt to be more effective.
This model has four factors based on two intersecting axes. The vertical axis ranges from “task/goal” focused behaviours to “people/relationship” focused behaviours. The horizontal axis ranges from “reserved” (or “ask/listen”) behaviours to “outgoing” (or “tell/talk”) behaviours. With these two intersecting axis, four quadrants emerge:
Dominance (D) – How we deal with problems and challenges.
Influence (I) – How we deal with people and contacts.
Steadiness (S) – How we deal with the pace and consistency of the environment.
Compliance (C) – How we deal with procedures and constraints.
We all have some degree of each of the four behavioural styles (i.e. we are not just one type/style). Whether an individual measures “high” or “low” on the D, I, S or C spectrum, the behaviours are still visible and recognisable on the surface. Most people have two dominant styles; however any combination is possible.
Remember: DISC is NOT a Personality Test!
While this assessment can help people better understand themselves, it is important to note that the DISC profile only looks at a small component of personality. Its scope only involves the behaviour, that is, the four common ways that people tend to act and communicate, which has been validated by more than 50 years of research.
Calling the DISC profile a ‘personality test’ can be misleading as there is a great deal to an individual’s personality beyond the scope of this system, and the term ‘test’ implies you will pass or fail, which is not the case with the DISC profile.
Our training solutions can be grouped in four main categories – Business Coaching, Executive Coaching, Sales, and Motivation.
If you are ready use our DISC Profiling in your organisation, don’t hesitate to call or email us for an obligation free discussion about our services.

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Sydney - NSW, Australia
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